Needle Felting FUN Blog

Oh, the fun we have at Felt Alive!

Welcome to my needle felting blog. I’ve been blogging about my Felt Alive journey since I first took a stab at needle felting at my kitchen table back in 2007 . I’ve discovered I love taking pictures of my felties nearly as much creating them. 

With my camera and our real furry dogs in tow, my husband and I have traveled from our home in Alaska to our new home in the Pacific Northwest capturing all these fun moments along the way. 

If you are just getting started needle felting, I encourage you to take your creations out to play and take lots of pictures. They photograph best in natural light and wooly creations have such a unique way of actually looking alive out in nature. And why not start a needle felting blog! It’s a great way to document your story and the world loves to see!

Needle Felting Blog Categories

Please note: We are currently rebuilding our blog pages after a website redesign. Please check back soon for more posts from the past.